Johan Kwisthout
Programmaleider Personalised Care in Oncology
Radboud Universiteit
Nijmegen, Nederland
Ik ben hoogleraar AI aan de Radboud Universiteit en programmaleider van het Personalised Care in Oncology (PersOn) privaat-publieke samenwerkingsprogramma.6
I am full professor of Probabilistic Graphical Models at Radboud University and lead a research group with the same name at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour. In this group we study algorithmic and conceptual aspects of PGMs (in particular Bayesian and Credal Networks) with a focus on approximate inference algorithms, (parameterized) computational complexity, explainability and robustness. Our main application are in healthcare (clinical decision support systems that are maintainable, can explain their advise, and reflect on their trustworthiness) and in energy-lean Bayesian representation and computation (reducing the carbon footprint of computation with modal and brain-inspired computing). I am director of the AI programme and programme leader of the Personalised Care in Oncology (PersOn) consortium.
Sprekersessies (1)
donderdag 13 maart 2025
15:00 - 15:40
AI-technologie en de toepassing in de gezondheidszorg
Leer meer over het PersOn-project dat zich richt op gepersonaliseerde zorg in de oncologie door middel van AI-technologieën én het RAIVD-project dat AI voor stemdiagnostiek ontwikkelt. Beide projecten verbeteren het leven van patiënten aanzienlijk.